Do you want to become known as the GOLD standard & make a true impact in the way mums are looked after in the fitness industry? You're in the right place!

Become THE GOLD standard & go-to trainer for mums in your local area.

Imagine being the person everyone knows as the authority for pre & postnatal exercise in your local area. Imagine being the person everyone points to when a mum says "I need help!" with her health & wellness journey.

Find out more


Deep down you know you know your stuff AND you know can have a huge impact but you let imposter syndrome and the fear of not knowing enough get in the way. You see other people rocking it in their space and you wish you had the courage, confidence and the guidance to do the same.  You know there are SO many mums that need your help and you know you MUST find your voice!

You're one of the special few that knows we must do it differently

  • You know that women make up 80% of those living with incontinence.
  • You know that half of all women that have had a baby experience prolapse.
  • You know that postpartum is forever.
  • You know that mums are confused about who and what to trust to AND that so many trainers simply don't know either.
  • And you know that YOU have to be part of the solution

You've spent time and energy doing the courses, yet the more you know the more you feel you need to know.  You care so much about improving the way mums are looked after within our industry that you still doubt you know enough to step into your authority. you find yourself afraid to take the next step thinking that you will get there one day... after one more course... when you know just a little bit more.

And you get frustrated when you see others around you (with less knowledge & courses that you) striving ahead & mums just not knowing the difference in standard of care.

And yet what you don't realise is that we need your voice... now! 

In 2020 4.35million women used our gyms & fitness facilities in comparison to 3.5million men. Further to this in 2016 the ABS reported that 77% of women over the age of 15 in Australia would become mothers. That's 3.34million MOTHERS using our gyms & fitness facilities. YET our fitness certifications don't teach us anywhere near enough in this space.  So many trainers don't know what they don't know and cannot adequately look after our mums.  But YOU can. 

Imagine if...

  • You had a STAMP of approval & were known as the GOLD standard so the world knew they could trust you. #MumSafeTrainer
  • You had ongoing education in working with women & mums at your fingertips to constantly build your credibility & confidence.
  • You were surrounded by an army of #MumSafeTrainers that have your back every step of the way so you never feel lonely in business again.
  • You had years of knowledge & experience at your fingertips cheered on by a leader who wholeheartedly believes in you & knows exactly what it's like to be where you are now.

What if you finally stepped into your authority and gave yourself permission to lead the way in ensuring all mums have access to safe and effective exercise at all ages and stages.




When I first started to specialise in working with mums there were very few pre & postnatal certifications. There was no community of likeminded and mission driven exercise professionals and there was definitely no one-stop shop to continued education in working with mums of all ages and stages.

You can dramatically reducing the time and money you spend on constantly trying to up-skill. You can gain access to expert knowledge and CEC certified education at your fingertips without having to search anywhere (or do anymore random courses to maintain your industry registration).

BECOME MUMSAFE - discover more

Becoming a MumSafe Trainer is the most effective (& fastest) way to become THE go-to exercise professional for mums in your local area.

You will leverage from years of experience and you will finally stop feeling like you need to compete with the trainer down the road that is competing on price alone.

Now you can gain that stamp of approval, credibility and confidence to step into your full potential, OWN THE SPACE OF GOLD STANDARD OF EXERCISE PROFESSIONAL FOR MUMS in your area and finally reach the mums that need your help.


The ONLY fitness industry membership that is 100% designed to nurture and grow the knowledge & credibility of it's trainers in the space of working with pre and postnatal women.

Join our army of #MumSafeTrainers - we are not your everyday fitness professionals (and nor are you!)

discover if we are a great fit - learn more

By becoming known as a MumSafe™️ Trainer you will:

  • Finally gain the credibility you deserve, so you can stop doubting yourself & the mums of your area will instantly know that they can trust you to look after them safely & effectively.
  • Gain your unique profile page at so that mums themselves can find you, ask you a question and book a trail session.  If you don't have a website yet this has you covered.
  • Be surrounded by a likeminded team, who believes in collaboration over competition & wants to see you succeed as much as they want it for themselves (a community like this is VERY rare within the fitness industry).

And you'll be able to achieve all of this with one extra invaluable resource... ME!

I've been where you are and I know what you need to take your knowledge and business to the next level. I am with you every step of the way. Your success takes us closer our shared mission and mums need our unique voices!!


You're going to



access to education library

Gain access to our WHOLE back-catalogue of classes. Over 25 specialised masterclasses in working with women & mums on demand!

your profile page at

No website, no worries - you will feature on the MumSafe website so you build your online presence & mums can find you.

live monthly masterclasses

Every month a live masterclasses with Jen & guest experts to further your education in working with women & mums.

Each of these masterclasses contribute to your 10 annual CEC's.

Monthly group training program 

Never chase your tail or wonder what you should be programming again.  Each month we will provide you with a new workout that you can introduce into your session schedule complete with changes & checks specific to your mum-clients.

team pr campaigns

The impact of a big business inside your small fitness business. Our annual done-for-you & collaborative team campaigns put your business front and centre as part of a bigger mission.  Leverage PR in your local area & become known for what you stand for.

supportive COMMUNITY

Never feel lonely or lost again with a team around you that wants to see you thrive as much as they do for themselves. Questions never go unanswered & there is always someone available to help.

I want to become known as a MumSafe™️ Trainer

express your interest to learn more

The Power of being MumSafe™️

By becoming a MumSafe Trainer you will gain instant credibility in the specialised space of working with mums or all ages & stages. You will benefit from brand amplification that can only come by being part of something bigger than yourself.  Something many small & local fitness businesses can never access.

  • Over 20hours of ongoing education in working with women and mums.
  • 10 annual CEC"s
  • Profile page at
  • Monthly hot seat & case study sessions 
  • Monthly programming for your mums exercise classes
  • Access to done-for-you team PR campaigns
  • Exclusive invite to our annual MumSafe members retreat
  • Access to our highly engaged community facebook group
YES, I NEED THIS - contact us now

Get access to the kind of support that has the power to change the game for a solo fitness business owner.

"Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much" - Helen Keller

MumSafe has been featured in or on


I have seen first hand the transformation that comes with this kind of support.  Take Emma of Motivate Mums who joined us as a brand new PT knowing she had a passion for working with mums. She quickly built her mum-focused fitness business in Sydney only to move to the Sunshine Coast one year later.

Being surrounded by support is a game changer!

With the tools & credibility of being a MumSafe Trainer she rebuilt her business in record time and in less than a year was earning more income than she had in Sydney.

she solidified her place as the go-to trainer for mums in her local area.

Emma always say's she was glad she took the leap at the START of her journey. You can do this too.

Yes! I want to know more

I'm Jen! I'll be guiding you on your MumSafe journey.

Beginning in the fitness industry as a PT in a big box gym I was quickly delivering 40 sessions per week. Leaving the gym just two weeks before my son was born in 2008 I launched her award winning group exercise business for mums, Body Beyond Baby when he was just two months old (he was a sleeper!).

My 2nd child was born in 2010 leading to PND & marriage breakdown. This fuelled my desire to provide a safe space for mums to connect and move together.

I was one of the first FitPros in Australia to understand the need for partnerships with Pelvic Health Physio's to ensure best practice. Body Beyond Baby grew to become the biggest mums & bubs fitness biz in Sydney’s eastern suburbs.

Recognising the desire to reach and help more mums, and in clarifying my mission to ensure all mothers have access to safe and effective exercise I developed and launched my pre & postnatal certification 'Safe Return to Exercise' in 2016.

I sold my group training business in 2018 to focus what was to become MumSafe. I am the author of the book ‘How to Love your Body as much as your Baby’, contribute regularly to the media, I speak internationally and have won numerous fitness and business awards over the years.

I wholeheartedly believe in giving back to the industry & collaboration over competition. I also serve on the board of the Australian industry peak body; AUSactive.

But most of all - I LOVE seeing YOU succeed!

"Joining MumSafe has been a fantastic investment to my pre & post natal business"

 I love the ongoing education through the masterclasses as it’s all relevant to my clientele. I feel a lot more confident in delivering information to my clients all because of MumSafe. The support from Jen and her team is phenomenal but also from other MumSafe trainers. You know your questions will be answered efficiently as there is so much support!  I’m happy to say that my business is growing in my local area because of completing the Safe Return to Exercise course & becoming a MumSafe Trainer.

bec roberts
bec roberts fitness

Let's take a sneak peak on the inside

The breakdown

Monthly LIVE masterclasses

Learn from industry experts on topics all related to working with women and mums.  We know once you have done your initial pre & postnatal certification how hard it can be to get quality education in the area you love & maintain your industry registration without doing random courses just to get CEC's.  Join these masterclasses LIVE, ask all of your questions & implement in your business immediately.

Monthly VALUE $150


Video & resource library 

Gain access to ALL of our previous education along with templates and systems to implement with speed & efficiency. Over 40hours of ongoing education with topics including: Training to your cycle, peri-menopause, menopause, surgery within the pelvis, hormones, endometriosis, PND, HA, IVF & fertility, prolapse and more!

VALUE $6000+


Monthly programming for your mums group classes

Never wonder what you are going to do again in your classes! Download a new mums group fitness program every month, complete with changes for mum-specific contraindications & add it to your suit of pre-programmed sessions.

Monthly VALUE $100


Your personalised profile at

No website, no worries!  As part of your membership we will provide your profile page on our website showcase how you are, exactly what you do and where mums themselves can reach out to you. Got a website - awesome!  This page will add to your digital footprint & raise your credibility even further.

Monthly VALUE $99 


Live hot-seat & case-study sessions 

 Got a tricky mum-case in your business or don't quite feel confident with some of your training?  THIS is the place to bring it for discussion and to gain clarity.  These sessions offer the opportunity for direct feedback on anything you might be finding tricky within the technical part of your business so you can keep training your mum-clients with confidence.

Monthly VALUE $149


Invitation to our exclusive members retreat

 Ever been in a room full of dedicated, mission driven exercise professionals just like you?  The energy is beyond amazing! 

Step out of everyday life and immerse yourself in your personal and business growth. This is an event you will never forget or regret.

VALUE - no number can do this justice!


Team PR campaigns 

Imagine having a national voice from within your local business.  A benefit often only available to big box or franchised businesses as a MumSafe Trainer you will leverage off ALL of our combined voices.  We will also provide you with the tools to leverage PR in your local community and elevate you as THE go-to trainer for mums.

Annual VALUE $2500

I want this - learn more

Our MumSafe™️ Trainers have been featured on or in

MumSafe™️ gets you from unknown to known in record time.  Equipped with education & support every step of the way.

Let's get you started!

This is not a course, this is your mum-focused membership experience. You will gain instant access & benefit from consistently levelling up your technical education in working with women & mums, gain all of your annual CEC's AND get in front of your ideal client. All while being supported by an epic team!

The best decision and investment in my fitness business was choosing to be a part of a supportive and understanding group of like-minded fitness professionals, the MumSafe team. 

sahar daryan
limitless mummas

I joined MumSafe because I knew I needed more support in the way I run my business, as well as opportunities to up-skill my knowledge in working with mums. As soon as I joined I knew I’d found exactly what I needed as a solo business owner. The group of MumSafe trainers is  amazing, there is so much value in terms of everyone's experience, skills and collective wisdom.

alicia johnson
feel good fitness

Jen has been the mentor that I absolutely needed to take action and step into opening my business. I am so thankful I joined before I launched my biz, this community has been with me every step of the way and helped me step into my role of helping Mama's move their body in a kind, empowering way.

renee leeming
flourish mamma

There are so many benefits to being part of the MumSafe team. A big one for me is the ongoing education.I really look forward to the education Masterclasses every month to continue to build my knowledge.

chelsea huff
vibe fitness geelong

I'm ready to join the team

I want to see if we are a great fit

This is great Jen, but what if I want business support too?

Don't worry! I've got you covered!

Introducing MumSafe™️ Academy

  • Fast track your business success --> Learn from over 16years of business & first hand knowledge of growing s 6-figure fitness business for mums.
  • 40+ masterclasses --> Specific to building a fitness business for mums or a mum-focused offering within your current business
  • Access to done-for-you templates --> processes, procedures & more that you can slot straight into your business & adapt for yourself.
  • Monthly Live expert masterclasses --> to continue to build your knowledge & evolve your business as you grow.
  • Monthly Live Q&A and hot seats --> for individualised & focused feedback every step of the way.
express your interest

The Power of MumSafe™️

There really is only so much you can do as a solo business owner. When you are part of a team that reaches across Australia, New Zealand & into Singapore you access support and brand awareness that is usually only reserved for fitness franchises and brands with multiple national sites.

  • Experience the impact of team marketing campaigns.
  • Learn from industry experts you wouldn't usually get access to.
  • Feel the difference of being part of a mission driven team.
  • Experience the energetic difference of choosing collaboration over competition and say goodbye to scarcity forever.
  • Gain instant credibility through alignment & displaying your MumSafe Trainer logo.
  • Know how it feels to finally charge your worth and never compete on price again.
yes! I want in - learn more now!


I promise that you CAN do this. And I have never done THIS before. But if you’re not 100% satisfied with your membership experience within 10 days, I will offer you a full refund, for any reason.

MumSafe Trainer monthly


+$286 one off joining fee

  • 20+hrs of ongoing education in working with women and mums.
  • Mum-focused exercise class templates
  • 10 annual CEC"s
  • Profile page at
  • Monthly hot seat & case study sessions
  • Access to done-for-you team PR campaigns
  • Exclusive invite to our annual MumSafe members retreat
  • Access to our highly engaged community support group
express your interest

MumSafe Trainer Annual


+$286 one-off joining fee

  • 20+hrs of ongoing education in working with women and mums.
  • Mum-focused exercise class templates
  • 10 annual CEC"s
  • Profile page at
  • Monthly hot seat & case study sessions
  • Access to done-for-you team PR campaigns
  • Exclusive invite to our annual MumSafe members retreat
  • Access to our highly engaged community support group
express your interest

MumSafe Trainer + Academy Launch Bundle


MumSafe Academy is $299pm alone. When you join now you save $100pm

  • All of the MumSafe Trainer inclusions PLUS....
  • Monthly live business masterclass covering finances, marketing, social media, growth + more
  • Over 30+ hours of business education covering everything you need to run your business with confidence
  • Plug & play processes, policies & procedures for your mum-focused fitness business 
  • Monthly hot seat & accountability session for individual feedback
express your interest

Got Questions?


MY LAST thoughts

I know first hand how hard it can be to get going. I also know how quickly you can grow your business & the impact you can make when you do. When you have everything you need at your fingertips.

Yes it takes time, dedication & discipline but ask yourself "Do I really want to still be here hoping for the same thing in a month or years time?" I can't wait to support you on this journey & for us to work together on the mission to ensure mums of all ages and stages have access to safe and effective exercise.


Wanna feel our vibe before you leave?

express your interest now

Woohoo! I'm ready to join the mission & learn more about becoming a MumSafe Trainer

Fill out your details below to express your interest and find out more about becoming known as the GOLD standard in working with pre and postnatal women.