Ep. 25. From Tears to Becoming THE go-to trainer for Mums in Gosford with Louise Hurley

Season #1

In this episode of The MumSafe Movement Podcast Jen is talking to Louise of Strong Mums Gosford as the second in our 'FOCUS ON YOU' mini series.  We will be dropping some extra podcasts during this time because we know that hearing the stories of others really helps you to understand you are not alone in your business.

Louise began what would be an eleven year career in clinical and research psychology in the UK. She moved to Australia and became a mum for the first time in 2015. 

With a growing family came a shift in priorities and the desire for a career change to better suit her family’s lifestyle. 

In 2017 Strong Mums was launched and Louise gained Safe Return to Exercise certification, became a MumSafe™ trainer and also became a Pregnancy and Postnatal Corrective Exercise Specialist. 

Since the launch of Strong Mums she has helped hundreds of women safely strengthen their body and return to the exercise and movement they love. 

Over the years working with mums, Louise listened to many of these women say that they needed to lose weight and return to their pre-body body shape and size. She observed the pressure they were under to meet certain aesthetic expectations and saw how the postnatal body with its stretch marks, cellulite, body fat and rolls was not represented in the media. 

She also saw how the fitness industry continues to do a disservice to women by directly associating weight loss, low BMI (Body Mass Index) with health, happiness and confidence.

Louise has now merged her skills in mental health with her passion for pregnancy and postnatal movement by creating the Body Resilient Mum Project. This online course provides mums with education and  practical skills commonly used in behaviour therapies to overcome feelings of shame, insecurity and unfamiliarity with their postnatal body. She is host of the Body Resilient Mum Podcast (found on Apple Podcasts and Spotify).

Louise strongly advocates for believing you are more than what your body looks like after having children and Jen is incredibly excited to bring this insight into Louise journey to you today.

In this episode Jen and Louise cover:

  • Louise's background in psychology, becoming a mum and getting into the fitness industry
  • Realising her cert 3 and 4 covered nothing she needed to know about working with mums
  • Having a premature baby
  • Choosing to join MumSafe
  • Feeling like everyone else knows what they are doing
  • What balance means for Louise
  • Having a financial goal and creating a plan of how to get there
  • Creating boundaries around time
  • Creating connections with partners; pelvic health physio's, local cafes and businesses
  • Getting over the fear of rejection
  • Being sold out for the first time
  • Launching her online membership and partnering with other MumSafe Trainers
  • Creating The Body Resilient Mum Project course
  • The goal to equal her income to create choice 
  • Consistently pushing out of her comfort zone
  • Time management to get it all done
  • Her advice for fellow trainers
  • Getting over the fear of investing in yourself

You can connect with Louise in the following places:

On IG - https://www.instagram.com/strongmumsgosford/ and https://www.instagram.com/body_resilient_mum_project/

Via her profile at https://mumsafe.com.au/type/trainer/strong-mums/

Check out The Body Resilient Mum Project here - http://www.strongmums.com/brm-project

On this episode Jen mentioned her upcoming 3-day bootcamp for exercise professionals that are ready to become known as the go-to trainer for mums - you can sign up for that here.

And applications to become a MumSafe Trainer are open from the 8th - 15th November - go here to get on the waitlist now.

If you loved this episode please share on your social media tagging both Jen and Nikki and feel free to review.




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